QART stands for the Quebec Association of Retired Teachers.

The QART was founded in 1998. It accepts into its membership any retired person who draws a pension from working in an educative role at one time in the English educational sector of Quebec. This includes teachers and administrators, professional and support staff

QART has as its aim the promotion of its members' interests and the guarding of their welfare. It does this by representing them at the national and provincial levels; by communicating with them through newsletters, a website, and other such means; and by providing group and community activities for its members.

QART members elect at an Annual General meeting an Executive Committee to govern the affairs of their association.

The QART Executive Committee is composed as follows:

President John Greene
1st Vice-President Annie Schaffhauser
2nd Vice-president Stefanie Derewecka
Treasurer Steve Dursa
Secretary Cecil Doucet-Greene
Past President Catherine Heaney-Barrowcliffe
Continuity Officer Mary Zenaitis

A copy of the QART Constitution is available here .