Wednesday April 24

Dear QART members and friends,

The QART AGM Meeting and Luncheon will take place at the Casa Grecque restaurant in Montreal North on Wednesday, May 15th at 11:30 am. The restaurant’s address is 10651 Pie-IX at the corner of Amiens.

Before the meeting starts, you will be asked to place your luncheon order. This will allow the restaurant to prepare your meals while we go on to conduct the required AGM business. Also, before the meeting starts, you can take advantage to pay your membership dues for 2024-2025. Regular membership is $35. For members-at-large, the fee is $15. Cheques, made out to QART, are preferred.

 We will limit ourselves to essential topics only. These include the following:

  • The Financial Report and Auditor’s Report for 2023-2024,
  • The Naming of the Auditor for the 2024-2025 financial year,
  • The Election of the QART Executive for 2024-2026.

Other business will be dealt with at the next general meeting in either August or September.

 The QART AGM luncheon menu is as follows:

Lentil Soup

A choice of one of five (5) entrees at $25, tax & tip included
-         Pita Souvlaki (Pork or Chicken)
-         Souvlaki Plate (1 Pork stick or 1 Chicken stick)
-         4 Butterfly Shrimps
-         Fish and Chips
-         Hamburger Steak with Mushroom Sauce on the side
(All entrees include Greek-style potatoes, house salad, and rice, with the exception of
Fish & Chips, which includes French fries, house salad, and rice)

Or a choice of one of two (2) entrees at $30, tax & tip included
-         Bacon-wrapped Pork Tenderloin Medallions (3) (in pepper sauce)
-         Marinated Chicken Breast (in pepper sauce)

-         A cake or a baklava, and coffee or tea

Reminder: The Casa Grecque is a BYOB establishment. You may bring your own wine.

QART will offer as door prizes two bottles of wine and two free meals. Each regular or honorary member attending has a chance to win one of these prizes.

 If you plan to attend, you must give in your name to Annie Schaffhauser by Friday, May 10th. This will allow us to fix our numbers with the restaurant. Annie can be reached by telephone at 438-342-8535 or by email at Guests are welcome.

 Please be at the restaurant by 11:30 am.

 My best wishes,




In other news, we just had a very successful QART Commemorative Mass and Luncheon. Thanks to all the volunteers for making this mass and luncheon particularly memorable and meaningful. A special thank-you goes out to Father Joe Sullivan who once again celebrated the mass for us. A wrap-up of this event follows:

48 members and guests attended the mass; 47 members and guests attended the luncheon.

At the mass, $320 was collected for Our Lady of Fatima parish and its Christmas basket fund.
At the luncheon, Gail Ferraro, Maria Perluzzo, and Carlo Stepancic each won a free meal.
Claire Iasenza won a bottle of red wine, Anita Primeau, a bottle of white, and Cécile Doucet-Greene, a bottle of rosé.

We also gained a new member, Hilarie Cruickshank, a former teacher at St. Thomas High School in Pointe-Claire. Welcome aboard.

Attached, you will find a special QART bulletin with the names of all those who were commemorated at our QART mass.

 Once again,

Season’s Greetings, and hope to see you at our Christmas party,


Newsletters (Bulletins) Available

March 2022

December 2021

July 2021

April 2021

February 2021

January 2021


At this point in the normal QART calendar, there remains just one event, the AGM and accompanying luncheon. This is usually scheduled in May. No AGM could be held last year because of the pandemic. For the same reason, I do not foresee holding a physical AGM this year until the fall, at the earliest.

However, our financial year ends March 31st. Before we plan anything further, our treasurer, Steve Dursa, has to close the year and produce the annual financial statements. QART will send these to you in the next bulletin.

Once QART’s financial statements are published, we will be ready in May to start collecting next year’s membership fees. To do this, Steve Dursa will first send out invoices. A few days later, he will send you a statement of account. Please wait until you receive your statement of account before you pay. A large number of regular members have earned varying amounts of credits in compensation for the lack of physical events in 2020-2021. Waiting for your statement of account helps ensure that you pay the correct amount with your credits worked in.

This year, we will replace the May AGM luncheon with a stay-at-home event if it is financially possible. Before QART can return to normal group activities, we would need that a large percentage of the population be vaccinated, that social distancing be lifted, and that indoor locations, such as restaurants, be fully opened. I am not sure when all this will happen, but I believe that our memorial celebration in November and our Christmas gathering in December are definite possibilities.

Membership Dues

It's now that time when QART starts collecting the membership fees for the new year 2020-2021. Membership is the life blood of the association. We really depend on your support, generosity, and promptness. I thank you in advance in making this membership drive a success.

There has been no change in the fee amount. The regular membership is $30; an honorary member who has 25 years of membership attained before July 2013 pays $0; an honorary member who has 25 years of membership attained after July 2013 pays $12; a member at large who just wishes to receive the newsletter but not participate in any QART meeting or activity pays $12.

Membership forms are available in the latest QART newsletter or on this website (just click on this link). Please mail your payment (cheque only) to:

291 ave. du Parc
L'Ile-Perrot, QC
J7V 9Z
Attention: Steve Dursa


QART has an email address

Do you want to communicate with QART ? Perhaps you have a suggestion or a comment. You can reach QART or any member of the Executive Committee at just one email address,